
Tis The Season by Damien Carriere

Posted on December 19, 2014

Well it has been another busy year and another busy Christmas season so far! I always find Christmas to be a very magical season and I hope you experience the same thing. May you have a very Merry Chrsitmas and enjoy some quality time with family and friends as we celebrate the birth of Jesus.

A big "Thank-you" to Damien for taking time on short notice to add a magical touch to our year end staff party. As most parties go there are always a number of personalities. From the over exuberant and the center of attention type, the ultra shy, corner table hidden in the back of the room type and everyone in between, Damiens’ ability to move around the room and tie all of these types together was amazing. His skills in illusions were mind boggling and left many at each table incredulous. I salute him for a great performance and without hesitation give him 5 stars!! Looking forward to next years’ bag of tricks!! Bryan Devisser Owner/Partner, Contractor Sales/ Technical Assistance Canex Building Supplies 46070 Knight Rd, Chwk B.C V2R 1B7 Cell: 604-991-0661 Office: 604-858-8188 ext 225 Fax: 604-858-1840 E-mail -
His skills in illusions were mind boggling and left many at each table incredulous. I salute him for a great performance and without hesitation give him 5 stars!! Looking forward to next years’ bag of tricks!!"
Bryan Devisser
Canex Building Supplies