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Name *
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Name of Company/Individual hiring *
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Address 1 *
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Postal Code *
Type of Event *
Type of Magic Performance *
Date of Event *
Time of Performance
Event Location *(name and address)
Appr. Number of Guests *
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Event Details

Please describe your event in the box below with as many details as possible! When you've filled all of the required fields, click the submit button below.
I couldn't be happier with the professionalism, flexibility and pure entertainment you provided. The feedback I received from those who attended was outstanding, they felt that it was a refreshing and entertaining experience and that is exactly what we were hoping for! Outstanding job and I look forward to hiring you for our next event! Thanks, Ranbirr
Outstanding job and I look forward to hiring you for our next event!"
Ranbir Johal
Service Excellence Project Manager